Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Back to the property in Richfield. The concrete it a little shabby. Turned out much better than I expected to tell you the truth.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Chess Board up north at our Boundry Waters Lodge, I couldn't resist.

Downtown St. Paul (correct me if I'm wrong) , sculpture/structure right next to the U of M Aquatic Center.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

To be honest, I'm really not a portrait taking kinnda guy. I just can't ever really be satisfied with anything I take. Then I took this shot, one I'm really happy with for once. My little brother overlooking the sunset on the bay.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Photo Friday- Chaos
"1. A condition or place of great disorder or confusion..." so what is it?

Further close-up of the lamp from before. I couldn't decide which one I liked more, so I picked both.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Close-up on a lamp we had at our Lodge up in the Boundry Waters. It was just too fun of a pattern to resist.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Road to...? I'm not sure if it ever clicks like this, but when I took this one it really reminded me of someone, Stephanie specificly. It's really facinating how a picture can do things like that.

I don't know what to say about this exactly. Back to the cliche photography, but I still like it.

Back from Door County-
I thought I really didn't get many shots, but I surprised myself. You'll see why withing the next few days hopefully...

I like this one... it's just appealing to me. Not that I know what it is specificly, it just really caught me once I uploaded my camera.

Reading lamp on my bed frame at our lodge. It was great getting to use my camera again. I have another close-up on this one, I might put it up, we'll see.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Out of town until Monday- hopefully I'll get some good shots while I'm gone.

I know it's kinnda cliche, but I still love sunsets and really like posting them. Right off my back yard.

Great things pop up when you're stuck in traffic.

The stripes caught my eye, surprised how this turned out. Overall, I think it's an alright shot...

Rainy day in August.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I really pride myself on this one. Back in the early days of Photo Life I took a shot very similar to this...
Back In Early February
and I was quite happy with the result. I guess I just wanted to get a non-winter shot and show some sort of transformation. Maybe a little symbolism for my form and approach of shots as the weather changes- seems quite appropriate.

Stephanie's SLR. I'm not sure if Canon is my go to company for 35mm- but I like that camera.

I guess I just have a thing for taking pictures at left turns. They just seem to turn out so well. Franlo and Pioneer in Eden Prarie.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Well I'm leaving to the Boundry Waters on Thursday, I hope these couple will tie everyone over until Monday. Hopefully I'll be able to snag a waterproof bag tomorrow and bring the camera with...

A little fresh rain, turned out better than I thought it would have for sure.

Sunset at Steph's house, I wish I would have gotten another closer to the leaves, could have proved well.

Random dice out of a drawer. I'm not sure what game any of them go to, but I'm sure you could make one up.

This was a really fun shoot. I was dumping warm water out, and look how it turned out.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Definately pleased with this shot. I wish I'd be able to take this shot a little further- maybe I'll have to do that later on when I get the chance somewhere down the line.

Parking ramp in Eden Prarie. One of my favorite shots that I've had lately. I might be wrong once I start posting the shots from my latest upload... we'll see.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Photo Friday- Complexity

Fun with long exposure on the highway : )

Took this one WAY back in the day... close to when I started photography. I've been looking for a good reason to use it, and it seemed to fit pretty well here.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Self explanitory, I'm pretty happy with the result of it though.

Sorry, I just realized some of these shots might be by Steph as well as the ones that I took. We used the same camera, so there really isn't any way to distinguish them besides memorizing which ones were yours. Definately this, the photo friday, as well as the post w/o the slide I am almost positive are mine. When it comes to the middle two... I have trouble discerning. I just want to make sure to give credit where it is due.

Don't really have much to say about this one, just more of a cause and affect relationship here.

I guess it was pretty hot, started etching the paint off the fencepost.

Not totally into this shot to tell you the truth, more of just one to show the result.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Photo Friday- Somber
Arson fire on the playground down at Staring Lake a week or so ago, melting the slide. This really hits home with me. If you're on here through Photo Friday, the rest of the series gives a bigger- and in my mind a better picture of the whole event, so I reccomend looking through my site if you'd want to see it more of the way I did.