Saturday, January 07, 2006

This is a little more abstract than I usually go for. Some work beforehand with just texture and light. After the shot-- just a little working and tweaks for added texture, contrast, and a little tint and hue change.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It turned out pretty cool. I think that experimenting with this sort of thing is exactly what everyone should be doing. It's the way to learn. I love messing around with my pics!

1/08/2006 5:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

skinner, its ean, can you email me an 1280x768? I have a 12.1" widescreen laptop so thats what it would be for. Also could i get this same pic in 1280x1024 for my desktop? If you could just email them to me at that would be wonderful. Thanks. ean.

1/08/2006 1:10 PM  

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