Thursday, January 12, 2006

As you know, I'm not a big portrait person. Maybe it's that I'm not always confident in how I capture them. Hopefully I can start out slow and move upward from there- starting with my brother at the ski hill... "binding in" since he's a snowboarder. I'm expecting some flack for that comment- but I guess I just can't see myself enjoying boarding v. skiing.


Blogger Calvin said...

Good start on the portraits. I try to get as close as possible. Nose hairs and zits be been damned! :) You can always photoshop them out. :)

1/13/2006 6:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you about snow boarding. I have always been afraid of having both my feet commited to one thing.. skateboards always scared me too. I'll take the skis.

1/14/2006 4:41 AM  

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